Robert Skiera

Robert completed his piano studies in 1988 at the Fryderyk Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw in the piano class of Alicja Paleta-Bugaj and the chamber music of Barbara Halska.

In his home university Robert has worked as an assistant professor at the Piano Department and in the chamber music class, working also with the class of Piotr Paleczny. He was a lecturer at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. Currently Robert is a teacher of the Jozef Elsner State College Music School.

Robert has conducted classes at the international courses of musical interpretation in Nowy Sącz.

As soloist and chamber musician Robert performs at concerts and festivals in Poland and abroad, among others:  In Germany (Kiel, Frankfurt, Mainz, Trier, Mannheim, Cottbus, Husum, Mülheim, Oberhausen, Segeberg), Holland (The Hague), Italy (Milan, Turin, Genoa), Austria (Vienna), France (Paris), Belgium (Brussels) and Hungary (Budapest) – receiving favourable press reviews.

Robert has repeatedly performed at the National Philharmonic in Warsaw. Currently works with well-known actors and Polish musicians and has performed alongside world-famous Polish violinist Mariusz Patyra at the Teatro Dal Verne in Milan.

Robert has made a number of recordings for Program 2 of Polish Radio and for Polish Television and has performed as a soloist with chamber orchestras, and also performed piano ensembles in orchestral works (e.g. under Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau). Robert’s repertoire includes works from Bach to Bartók. Acte Préalable has released his album with solo works by Fryderyk Chopin. DUX, on the other hand, has published chamber music recordings with his participation.